Physical Therapy
Children At Play provides pediatric physical therapy on-site or in the community. Our physical therapists are NY State licensed and certified professionals who use an individualized approach with each child. The goals of our physical therapists are to help improve a child’s mobility and independence and provide the family with the tools and knowledge that they need to facilitate their child’s motor development.
Occupational Therapy
Children At Play provides pediatric occupational therapy on-site and in the community. Our occupational therapists are NY State licensed and certified professionals who work to improve a child’s strength, eye-hand coordination, fine hand dexterity and coordination as well as perceptual skills, pre-writing skills, sensory processing, and self-help skills.

Speech Therapy
Children At Play provides pediatric speech therapy on-site and in the community. Our speech pathologists are NY State licensed and have completed Master’s degrees. Goals are individualized based on the child’s needs. The goals of speech therapy can focus on increasing production of sounds, recognition of words and concepts, facilitating the use of sounds, words, and sentences to express ideas. The goals of oral motor/feeding can include the opportunity to practice drinking, biting, chewing, and swallowing in a safe environment.
Children At Play provides counseling services on-site. Our counseling is provided by a Psychologist
who specializes in social and emotional development.
For further information on Related Services, please contact Leona Mannuzza at Leona@childrenatplayeic.org