Special Education Preschool
Children who have been approved by the Committee on Preschool Special Education (CPSE) to receive center-based educational services can attend one of our classes. We have a 12:1:2 class and an 8:1:2 class. Both classes are five days a week with 5 hours of instruction, running from 8:30am-1:30pm. Each class is led by a Master’s level special education teacher licensed by New York State. Below are just a few of the programs we include in our full day class:

- Bi-weekly feelings group lead by our Psychologist
- Introduces feelings vocabulary to the students
- Facilitates social/emotional competencies, emotional literacy, self control, social competence, positive peer relations, and interpersonal problem-solving skills
- Reduces aggression and eliminates challenging behavior in preschool age children while simultaneously engaging the educational process in the classroom
- Weekly story time lead by a Speech Therapist
- Reinforces students’ pre-literacy, language, and communication
- Enhances current curriculum and lesson plans, designed specifically for preschool students with developmental disabilities
- Develops awareness of sounds, sound discrimination, work, and book
Motor Group
- Biweekly gross motor group lead by both an Occupational Therapist and
Physical Therapist - Increases gross motor activities and develops muscle strength, muscular endurance, motor planning, postural control, sensory processing
- Promotes body awareness, balance, coordination, and students’ stamina
to manage daily living activities - Builds confidence and willingness of students to try to tackle more complex motor tasks despite physical ability and skill challenges
- Weekly movement, rhythm, and musical group
- Emphasizes gross motor skills, hand/eye coordination, social skills, imitation skills, safety awareness, creative expressions, and imagination
- Instructor uses integrated movement, rhythm, music therapy, and songs to create changes in behavior
- Facilitates the development of communication, social-emotional, sensory-motor, and cognitive skills
- Activities include singing, instrumental play, moving, and dancing
Family School Association
- Association of staff, parents, guardians, and participants
- Creates a link between home, school, and community
- Sponsors valuable services/workshops for the students, participants, and families
For further information about our preschool, please contact Leona Mannuzza at Leona@childrenatplayeic.org